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Friday, September 19, 2014

Keep Your Environment Clean By Advancing Your Industrial Processes #GreenEnvironmentPollution

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Keep Your Environment Clean By Advancing Your Industrial Processes #GreenEnvironmentPollution

A thermal oxidizer is used to convert contaminants to carbon dioxide and water vapor via combustion. Combustion is able to achieve very high removal efficiencies of most contaminants and concentrations.

Ignition based frameworks are constantly straightforward frameworks equipped for having high obliteration productivity. These frameworks normally comprise of burners, which touch off the fuel and poisons, and a chamber, which gives the suitable habitation time to the burning to occur. Burning is a synthetic methodology emerging from the fast fusion of oxygen with different components or concoction mixes bringing about arrival of hotness. The methodology of ignition has additionally been alluded to as oxidation or incineration.

Combustion based technologies are high temperature devices with high efficiency. As the combustion chamber temperature increases it is extremely valuable to engineer as much heat recovery into the oxidizer as possible so that the minimal amount of virgin fuel is used.

Complete combustion is accomplished through the three T's, time, temperature and turbulence. Each component is critical to achieve the highest cleaning efficiency with the smallest device possible with the lowest overall virgin fuel usage. The time component is often referred to as residence time and this is the amount of time the contaminated fume stream is subject to the combustion temperature.

Complete combustion is accomplished through the three T's, time, temperature and turbulence. Each component is critical to achieve the highest cleaning efficiency with the smallest device possible with the lowest overall virgin fuel usage. The time component is often referred to as residence time and this is the amount of time the contaminated fume stream is subject to the combustion temperature. Temperature is defined as the amount of heat that it takes to destroy a given contaminant. Not all contaminants are the same and so it takes a detailed analysis of the fume stream to determine the best combustion temperature. Turbulence is determined by the size of the reactor and the velocity of the air within it.

Turbulence can also be referred to as mixing of the contaminated fume stream within the combustion zone and typically the better the mixing the better the cleaning efficiency.

Thermal Oxidation is an important process as it is inclined towards cleaning the environment. Technology has gifted us with a lot of opportunities and thermal oxidation is one of the discoveries of technology which has helped industries in cleaning the environment. Also if we talk about VOC Abatement then these particular devices help in proper functioning of thermal oxidizers.

Source: Cycle Therm

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A freelance writer, marketer and a blogger. Graduate of BS Chemistry at Colegio de San Agustin Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Written first novel: Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW): The Game of Life. Worked abroad in the Middle East and Gulf Country.


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