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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

World Air App for Air Pollution #GreenEnvironmentPollution

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World Air App for Air Pollution #GreenEnvironmentPollution

Air pollution is one of the major concerns today in both developing and developed countries. Air is polluted from various sources and when inhaled they get inside our body and effect human health. It not just creates serious impact on the lungs and the respiratory system of the body but the pollutants are carried through blood to different parts and become the reason behind several health condition. The pollutants in the air also get deposited on plants and vegetables which we eventually eat and they get in our body.

Doctor's advice is to thoroughly wash the vegetables and fruits before eating but there can be some bacteria left which can effect human health. Thus it is very important that we take adequate measures to control and prevent pollution.

Air Pollution is also caused by gasses released from factories, vehicles etc. Here are some gases that can really be harmful to health.

1. Smoke released from tobacco contain various bad chemicals and when inhaled can cause some mild to severe health troubles. The smoke effects the lungs and the heart of the smoker. Tobacco smoke not just effects the person who is enjoying the puff but it also effects the person standing near him/her. They are called passive smokers and the health problems that both active and passive smoker can face are burning sensation in eye and nose, cough and irritation in throat and asthma. Serious health problems include cancer, lungs disorder, and heart problems.

2. Lead is majorly released by vehicles. Regular and prolonged exposure can lead to digestive and nervous disorder.

3. Ozone in air not just effects the respiratory system of our body but also reduces our resistance power. Itchy eye, cold, pneumonia, and asthma are some of the adverse effects of ozone on heath.

4. The existence of carbon monoxide not just pollutes the air but when inhaled, it mixes with the hemoglobin in blood. Presence of carbon monoxide in blood reduces the amount of oxygen in it which will eventually effect the function of our heart and lungs. Carbon monoxide in body will also slow down your reflexes and make you feel sleepy and confused.

5. Sulphur dioxide is generated from the combustion of fossil fuel. Wheezing and lung disorder are the two major problems caused due to regular exposure to the gas.

World Air app is very handy and you can carry it anywhere. It indicates the amount of pollution in the air. It also helps you compare air pollution at different hours of the day.

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A freelance writer, marketer and a blogger. Graduate of BS Chemistry at Colegio de San Agustin Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Written first novel: Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW): The Game of Life. Worked abroad in the Middle East and Gulf Country.


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