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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Going Green Is So Much Simpler Than Most People Think #GreenEnvironmentPollution

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Going Green Is So Much Simpler Than Most People Think

An increasing number of people are now wanting to do their part to save the planet due to the worsening problems caused by global warming. Unfortunately, numerous people assume that going green is costly and time consuming. Read on to discover several immediate things you can do to get on on the path to living green.

Recycling is the top way to start. A lot of people continue to place glass and aluminum items in their normal garbage even though recycling is not that hard to do today. In the US, it's not hard to locate a trash service that offers glass and aluminum recycling choices. Many people still continue to discard these items even though recycling bins are not hard to find. It merely takes a few minutes to wash off the cans and bottles before placing them into the recycle bin.

Newspapers are another item that overburden our landfills. Virtually all people will merely take their daily paper and toss it in the garbage when they are done with it. But, there are many other uses that you can get out of your newsprint other than poring over it it. Did you know that you can keep your windows clean using newspapers? If you're tired of seeing small white fragments and streaks on your windowpanes after you clean them with paper towels and cleaner, try to use old newspapers instead. Several community groups run regular paper drives. Merely compile all piles of your old newspapers, put them in a stack, and see if the paper drive organizers will come to your location and pick them up.

One more thing that could help you to start to live green is to begin walking a bit more. Lots of people routinely drive short distances merely to buy one thing at their local corner market. If you just walk to the store, not only could it take less time, because you won't have to locate a parking spot, but you will be saving money on gas and helping to save planet Earth by not burning those fuels.

If you wish to save even more on gas, take the chance to car pool when you can and only mow your lawn two times a month instead of weekly. A gorgeous lawn is good to have but skipping an additional week before you mow again shouldn't significantly affect it. Using a manual push mower like those more normally used many, many years ago will help to save the environment even more. Numerous hardware shops still carry this type of mower.

When people make up their mind to try green living, it's easy to make a few lifestyle modifications that will benefit our environment. Likewise, you can find lots of info all over the Internet on other ways to start living green, you only have to look for it.

Source: Collin Roas
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A freelance writer, marketer and a blogger. Graduate of BS Chemistry at Colegio de San Agustin Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Written first novel: Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW): The Game of Life. Worked abroad in the Middle East and Gulf Country.


  1. Starting with a green living individually can result into a better and greener world.

  2. I agree, starting small is the key. recycle one small thing at a time and it becomes a habit, and we can share that to others.

  3. This is really a community commitment. One person cannot do it himself, but hopefully he can inspire his neighbors to follow suit. For the sake of the world. - Fred

  4. recycling is always a great on way we can save money at the same time help the's a great way to recycle things for christmas decor

  5. Go for the #GreenLiving ! We must spread this awareness to everyone..Thanks for this post..

  6. Some people think that going green entails an entire lifestyle change, but you're right, we can start small. If each one of us can start small NOW, it can make a huge difference.

  7. Absolutely. Self-awareness and help spreading the word might help. Start with yourself and/or a small community. Any little thing can make a difference.

  8. I don't really do green living, but I admire the old newspapers more and walking as well. Instead of saving them to be sold for junk shops, newspapers are definitely reusable only if people would THINK more than NAG. Another thing, use those old jars instead of buying newly designed piggy banks.

  9. This is a good read and good to practice however most people are too lazy and the government as well is not implementing the Zero Waste Law. There are even penalties for it but was not implemented.

  10. Everybody must make it a priority to recycle. There are really a lot of simple ways to do so.

  11. Count me in for this advocacy. I am really grateful for this kind of reminders because if we go green, we all can benefits for this. I hope everyone will do their part to protect our environment, we owe this to the next generation.


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