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Monday, September 15, 2014

Stopping Waste Pollution by Profitable Bottle Recycling #GreenEnvironmentPollution

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Stopping Waste Pollution by Profitable Bottle Recycling #GreenEnvironmentPollution

With the urban development across the major cities of British Columbia, there is a fear of over-dumping of landfills and increased waste pollution. Especially, glass and plastic waste has been increasing in the recent times. We find a lot of waste comprising of plastic bottles, glass bottles, beverage cans and tins, alcohol containers etc.

This has led to a massive dumping of the landfills across different centers of British Columbia. The Vancouver city is no longer untouched of the menace of over-crowding landfills and waste dumps. In order to fight this present situation, recycling has become a sort after method. It can be used to curb the waste deposition and increase the reuse of various reusable waste material such as plastic and glass. More often than not, we tend to overlook the potential of waste as a potential commodity that can be reused after quality and professional recycling processes.

The latest to hit the recycling horizon is the concept of profitable recycling. There are many recycling centers and bottle depots across the BC region that offer the consumers to come and deposit their plastic and glass bottles, cans, beverage containers, alcohol bottles etc and earn some extra money. The initiative has been taken up by some BC bottle depots that are targeting the end users to become aware of the rising issue of waste pollution in their area and help in the environment cleaning procedures. And if you can earn some extra money in the process then nothing betters that.

Some of the important reasons identified for the need of recycling include the following:

Removal of wastes

An important aspect of recycling is removal of waste; harmful and otherwise. With the recycling of bottles and glass, we can clean the environment and keep it free from the effects of land and water pollution.

Conservation of Resources

The reuse of waste material for the benefit of the environment results in the conservation of resources that can be used for other vital processes.

Protection of landfills

The protection of landfills is also a crucial aspect for the promotion of recycling all around the globe. The landfills are getting over-dumped with the chances of harmful toxins being spread in your own neighborhood. Hence, it becomes our prime duty to protect them for better use.

Earn and don't spend

The process of recycling is cost-effective and with the introduction of profitable recycling, one can also earn by deposition of wastes at the bottle depots and recycling centers in BC and earn some extra money for their efforts in conserving and protecting their Mother Nature.

Source: Bryn Desouza
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A freelance writer, marketer and a blogger. Graduate of BS Chemistry at Colegio de San Agustin Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Written first novel: Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW): The Game of Life. Worked abroad in the Middle East and Gulf Country.


  1. Recycling is a must in all cities, in all homes. If it takes paying people to do so, even for a little while, then it will be wroth it to help preserve Mother Earth.

  2. Something to think about! Alittle more effort..alittle more life!

  3. Great reminder. We could all work a little harder to look after the planet. Recycling is an easy way to do this.

  4. Recycling can really help out on preserving resources. It also reduces wastage.

  5. It's possible to do so If and only If the country and the government is supportive of this Profitable Bottle Recycling Project and encourage everyone to do so! If not it will not be applicable to people's lifestyle!

  6. this method is very useful in India, billions of wastage plastic bottle gathered here which people throw away in rivers , which is hazardous for environment

  7. Recycling should be everybody's concern to lessen garbage and pollution. I know some who earn from bottle recycling even in simple process

  8. Loved all your tips. I try to recycle as much as possible for a greener cleaner earth

  9. This is a great post about environment and how to keep our environment clean and save the world with little things first. If there is no plastic stuff in this world, that would be great!

  10. Thanks for sharing this with us. Our planet need something like this.~~

  11. I hope people will know how recycle is very important in this generation. This one will be shared

  12. I'm a firm believer in reducing the use of plastic and paper. In Malaysia, only the urbanites are aware of its importance. The older generation don't realize that their actions will affect future generations. Hopefully, they will change their mindset before it's too late

  13. Bottle recycling is what I hope our politicians consider in order to prevent pollution in my country, too. That is a great way of maintaining nature friendly environment to live in.

  14. We've been recycling in my area for ages and if you're caught disposing waste, you get fined. I'd like to see this become a global initiative.


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