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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Awareness to Protect Our Environment #GreenEnvironmentPollution

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Awareness to Protect Our Environment #GreenEnvironmentPollution

Environment implies the surroundings. It includes living things and natural forces and Land, water, air, plants, creatures and different things that are encompassing us constitute our surroundings. Man and environment are nearly joined with one another, to keep up an offset or harmony in nature.

The indigenous habitat envelops all living and non-living things happening characteristically on Earth or some district there of. It is an environment that envelops the association of all living species.

Distinctive gatherings of individuals working in diverse regions express it in different ways. At the point when physical researchers discuss environment they by and large allude to the physical environment that involves the three entomb locking frameworks the Atmosphere, the Hydrosphere and the Lithosphere.

In Older Days People had a wonderful Environment and they live without any issues, unhealthy problem, etc. But now-a-days, people spoil the environment. They build a building in agricultural land, they cut the trees for their uses. So the environment got polluted. Every one should protect our environment. Avoid to cut the trees.

Environmental protection is a practice of ensuring the natural environment on individual, hierarchical or legislative levels, for the profit of both the indigenous habitat and people.
Preserving and protecting our environment is one of the main goals of the government of every country in the world.

How to Protect the Environment?

These are the ways to protect our environment and make it green:

1. Turn off your devices: When you do not use a house device, just turn it off to avoid the global warming

2. Walk or cycle: Transportation is biggest one to affect the environment. Now-a-days, many people are using car, motor bike, scooters etc,. these are caused to pollute the air pollution.

3. Detergent: Follow the recommended dose of detergent to wash your clothes or dishes.

4. Unwanted waters wastage: less use of water is to make the environment protect. Turn off the tap after used the water.

5. Rainwater: Think of recovering rainwater. This water can be used for different purposes.

6. Don't cut the tree: avoid to cut the tree, because tree are the main cause to protect the environment greenery.

7. Recycle things as you can use: Because, Recycling things is the best way to lessen and avoid global warming and climate change.

8. Avoid burning garbage and plastics.

9. Avoid throwing chemicals in different place

10. Every should plant a tree.

It is the responsibility and role of everyone to protect our environment. Let us fulfil our responsibilities in environmental protection, creating a quality ecological environment and sharing wonderful green living together.

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Written by

A freelance writer, marketer and a blogger. Graduate of BS Chemistry at Colegio de San Agustin Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Written first novel: Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW): The Game of Life. Worked abroad in the Middle East and Gulf Country.


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