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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Garbage Pollution and Green Environment Blog - Winner Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2015 #InfluentialBlogger #emergingblogs2015

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Garbage Pollution and Green Environment Blog - Winner Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2015 #InfluentialBlogger #emergingblogs2015

Received the award last October 10, 2015 at Best Western Plus Antel Hotel administered by Ms. Janette Toral - an expert in digital media marketing, expert digital media influencer and owner of The Digital Filipino.

Guest speakers were Jason de la Rosa, Marc Concio, Paul Andrew Pisig, Yam de la Cruz, Joemar Belleza, Apple Allison, Genesis Reonico, Grace Nicolas, Emiliana Sison, Ila Cruz, Janice Villanueva, Mannix Pabalan, Dr. Kyla Talens and Marv de Leon.

The Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2015 are: Runner Rocky, Chef Jay's Kitchen, Take Off Philippines, Manila Concert Junkies, Garbage Pollution and Green Environment, Doctor Eamer's Blog, Artful Chapter, Bicol Bloggers - Love Teacher Angel, Rookie Mommy - Personal Finance Tips - My Happy Hub.

The event was very successful...the organizer had done teaching the best learning experience for social media influencers.

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Written by

A freelance writer, marketer and a blogger. Graduate of BS Chemistry at Colegio de San Agustin Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Written first novel: Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW): The Game of Life. Worked abroad in the Middle East and Gulf Country.


  1. Congratulations to you and to the rest of the recipients of these awards and also those guest speakers and the people behind this award body... how rewarding it is to see your work and effort being recognized... kudos to all ^_^

  2. Congrats for being included on the top 10!


  3. Congratulations to all of the top 10!

  4. Our blog, Bicol Blogger, is also part of this! Congrats too! More power!

    Love, Didi of Frances and Flair
    KEEP IN TOUCH: Facebook||Bloglovin'||Twitter||Instagram

  5. Congratulations, sir!
    Keep fighting for the environment!
    Let's live green!
    - Nik of

  6. Congratulations! I really love your commitment to your cause. You are making a difference and I hope to emulate you. Mabuhay ka! Keep it up!!

    Carlo of

  7. Congratulations in this!
    Just an afterthought though, not all of those reading this would know or understand the weight of the award.
    A little background of what this award is and the purpose of the award giving body for giving it out would do an extra mile.

    More Power Sir and Way To Go! :)

  8. Congratulations! I'd love to be able to attend an event like this!

  9. I'm sure it's an honor to be included in that list, congratulations!

  10. Congrats on winning and making it to the top 10. I saw this from happyhub as well. May you continue to inspire other bloggers.

  11. Good advocacy, congrats and keep it up!

  12. Wow! Congratulations to you. :) You're really one of the top bloggers who share useful content to readers.

  13. I admire you for having a blog like this, Sir.
    We have an issue in our city (Olongapo) now regarding the tree cutting without the permit of DENR/CENRO. I hope that everything will be okay soon.

    Keep fighting for our environment and congratulations to your success!

    Best Regards,
    Cess of

  14. Congratulations! You are inspiration. You truly deserved the award. We hope you continue to inspire readers and fellow bloggers like us.

  15. Congratulations! One of my blogger friends posted this on her Facebook too because Bicol Bloggers also got in the Top 10! congratulations to everyone!

  16. Congratulations, Sir! You really deserve it. You are such an inspiration. Continue inspiring others!

  17. Congratulations for the award and for the heart to care for our mother nature and inspiring others to do so. Keep it up

  18. aww! that's a huge success. Congrats... you are such an inspiration for little bloggers like me :)
    keep up the good work.

    do drop by... GreenStory

  19. Congrats Sir all of you deserve it! More power to you your blog and your care for our environment!

  20. Congratulations for this award. The award is just a bonus; being influential for a good cause is what matters most. I'm sure this award would motivate you to continue inspiring, sharing and informing readers like us with articles that can help save our environment.

  21. Congratulations! More awards to come :) You are lucky to attend events like this.
    Keep it up!

  22. Wow!! this is such an achievement for you! Congratulations!

    hope you can visit my blog so i could add you on my linkex project!

  23. Congratulations Sir! Surely this blog deserves that recognition for advocating green effort and environment!

  24. Congratulations!

    Happy blogging!

  25. Congratulation bro. I missed the event. Ibang level ka talaga.

  26. It is a job well done. Congratulations for making it as one of the top 10 emerging, influential blog.for this year 2015.

  27. wow, congratulations. This is a big milestone for you.

  28. Congratulations sir! I've been seeing a lot of award giving bodies for bloggers lately. I still have a long way to go. Hopefully I can also be like you guys someday. :)

  29. Congratulations po! I also included your blog in my Top 10 list :-)

  30. Congrats. You've been reaping awards for your blogs.

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